Category: China
China-EU Summit 2023: EU criticizes imbalance in trade with China
Thursday marks the start of the first summit between China and Europe in four years. The need of maintaining communication is stressed by everybody. There […]
New World Order : Can universal values survive in a multipolar world?
The global balance of power is being altered by the emergence of new powers, leading to a change from bipolarity to multipolarity. What are the […]
Ex Chinese Premier Li Keqiang dies at 68
Former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, 68, has died of a heart attack after being sidelined by President Xi. Li Keqiang After a decade in power […]
IAA Motor Show 2023 : German despair encounters Chinese self-confidence
At the IAA, Chinese rivals are showcasing electric vehicles in every price level. German manufacturers are under a lot of strain, and 2023 may mark […]
中国国家主席习近平7月20日强调,亨利·基辛格刚刚庆祝了他的百岁生日,并已一百多次访问中国。这次访问中华人民共和国具有特别重要的意义,因为这两个“百人汇合” ” 亨利·基辛格 在基辛格访华之前,中华人民共和国新任驻美利坚合众国大使谢锋访问了康涅狄格州肯特市。 这位外交官是来见基辛格的,并代表中华人民共和国祝他百岁生日快乐。 双方就中美关系及重大国际和地区问题进行了深入讨论。 52年前,中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国正处于一个关键的十字路口。 尼克松总统、毛泽东主席、周恩来总理、国家安全顾问基辛格以卓越的战略眼光,正确判断中美合作走向,开启了中美关系正常化进程。 不要忘记,当选为第 56 任国务卿的亨利·基辛格是在芬兰首都赫尔辛基举行的赫尔辛基欧洲安全与合作会议(1975 年 7 月至 8 月)上的主要灰色人物之一。 这是在维也纳举行的一次新的大会,新的梅特涅/塔列朗在背景中产生了重大影响。 中国人民高度重视友谊,永远不会忘记老朋友为推动中美关系发展、增进中美两国人民友谊所发挥的历史作用。 当前,国际体系正在经历百年未有之大变局。 中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国再次面临岔路口,被迫做出重要决定。 北京和华盛顿可以共同成功,享受未来的繁荣。 必须遵循相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢三大原则。 正是在这个前提下,中国政府渴望与美国讨论两国如何相处并培养对两国、特别是对全球其他国家有利的持续关系。 对此,希望基辛格和其他对外交政策有特殊理解的美国人——那些不是名义上仍占据国家元首位置的懦夫人物——继续在重建进程中发挥建设性作用。 奠定了五十多年前开始的中美公关关系的积极轨道。 […]
Brazil increases exports to Asia outside of China
Brazil’s exports to the Asian region are increasing, and surpasses Germany thanks to an upcoming trade agreement. Brazil is gradually learning about commerce in Asia […]
Why do China and India support Russian aggression at the United Nations?
More than 400 days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, China and India have taken a stance on the conflict, however the action does […]
A Financial Study of the Risks of Chinese Debt Trap Diplomacy in Bangladesh
One problem that has gained traction in recent years is the idea of “debt trap diplomacy,” in which China’s lending policies to poorer nations have […]
What is the world gaining out of Putin and Xi’s friendship?
Putin has been in control in Russia for nearly 24 years, a long time in four terms. In some cases as Prime Serve, some of […]