Naked Dining: Successful nudist restaurant in New York

 Detachment and bravery are essential for entry. Cost of the event is $88. You only eat there as though you had just entered the world. The “naked dinner” was introduced to Globo reporter Sandra Coutinho.

naked dining
Naked Dining in New York

Would you spend over $88 on a supper without wearing clothes? Women in New York made the decision to publicise such a gathering. The programme involves nudism, vegetarian food, and no alcohol. Look at the report up above.

A restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, cannot be kept a secret from someone hurrying by on the street. The “naked dinner”—or, to use the Portuguese term, “dinner naked”—was attended by reporter Sandra Coutinho.

Entrance requires both bravery and objectivity. Cost of the event is $88. You only eat there as though you had just entered the world.

Charlie, the restaurant’s proprietor, rejected her own body, which gave rise to the idea.

“This poisonous culture affected me, even though I’ve been a ballerina since I was three years old. I wasn’t satisfied with my appearance, so when I started nudism, it felt really liberated. I felt so much more honest and self-assured,” she claims.


The journey inside takes 40 minutes. In the end, a unified shout to drive out all bad. Two guys were present out of the 40 visitors.

It’s humiliating at first, but we rapidly get used to it. It was an emotional wave for me. I have so many things to consider as I leave this place! It just takes too much energy to think of returning to the streets of New York, says photo producer Miha Podstawski.

 Source: Globo

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