Every year on September 16, people all around the world commemorate World Ozone Day or World Ozone Layer Preservation Day.
The ozone layer serves as a buffer between the earth and humankind, shielding us from the sun’s damaging radiation. The purpose of World Ozone Day is to raise awareness of the value of the ozone layer and its critical role in safeguarding the Earth.
30 kilometres above the surface of the planet is where the ozone layer is located. The trioxygen molecule (O3), or three oxygen atoms, which makes up the ozone layer has the capacity to absorb ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
The direct exposure of humans, trees, plants, and animals to these UV radiation can be extremely harmful. Therefore, on World Ozone Day, in addition to raising awareness, strategies to preserve it are also covered.
History of World Ozone Day
In remembrance of the environmental pact known as the Montreal Protocol, World Ozone Day is observed. On September 16, 1987, the United Nations and 45 other nations signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. These agreements were made in opposition to ozone depleting chemicals (ODS), such as carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, halons, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The inaugural World Ozone Day was then observed on September 16, 1995, and ever since then, it has been observed annually.
Theme of World Ozone Day 2023
“Montreal Protocol: Fixing the Ozone Layer and Mitigating Climate Change” is the focus of this year’s World Ozone Day. It has been attempted to convey through this topic the significance of oxygen for current living.
How are humans damaging the ozone layer?
Whether we are aware of it or not, we are also causing harm to the ozone layer. In general, the ozone layer is harmed by the air conditioners, refrigerators, and aerosol cans that we use in our homes and workplaces.
Actually, the term “ozone-depleting substances,” or ODS, refers to the group of man-made greenhouse gases. CFCs and ODS are both types of fluorocarbons. These chlorofluorocarbons are present in commonplace items including aerosol cans, refrigerators, and air conditioners. The ozone layer is being destroyed by these creatures.
In addition, clearing forests, plants, and trees has a negative impact on the ozone layer. Pollution released by vehicles, power plants, commercial boilers, refineries, and chemical facilities also harms the ozone layer.
Since when is the ozone layer getting damaged?
Scientists originally issued a warning about ozone layer degradation in the 1970s due to the use of aerosols, foam, refrigerators, and air conditioners. However, scientists at the time were mostly ignorant of how detrimental its impact was. However, a breach in the ozone layer above Antarctica was discovered in 1985.
Let us inform you that ozone layer degradation contributes to climate change. As a result, the earth’s temperature is constantly rising. This leads to the spread of several illnesses.
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