The Town 2023: Joss Stone gives a succinct overview of her 20-year career

 Liam Payne is replaced in the lineup by singer, who just released ‘Never forget love’. She gave a performance earlier in the evening on the Skyline stage.

This Thursday, July 7, was a pleasant day for Joss Stone, who gave a performance earlier in the evening on the Skyline stage at The Town 2023.

The musician has returned to the nation in place of Liam Payne, who had to postpone his trip after learning he had a dangerous kidney ailment.

The transaction went well. The performer, who had a wider range of material than the former member of One Direction, demonstrated the impact of gogó by opening her performance with the chorus of “You had me,” which she sang while on tour.

In her eighth album, “Never forget love,” which she published after 20 years in the business, Joss shows a more sombre and romantic side. But she didn’t convey any seriousness in her onstage performance.

She keeps her feet bare to convey that she is at ease there while wearing three more complex and sophisticated garments.

As the audience sings each chorus, Joss plays, beams, hoists the Brazilian flag, turns her flowing dress sideways, and celebrates. She finishes by raining paper on the crowd and tossing sunflowers.

She recalls that she has been in her work for 20 years throughout the presentation. How amazing a journey it has been. So many songs, so many tales, she exclaims. “Let’s try for another 20.”

It took Joss little effort to lift the chorus on “You got the love,” “Super Duper Love,” and “Fell in love with a boy,” her cover of the White Stripes’ “Fell in love with a girl,” from her debut album, “The soul sessions,” from 2003. all attesting to their ringing vocal quality.

She also finds place for the backup vocals, which include the Fleetwood Mac songs “Dreams” and “Say my name” and undoubtedly uplift the crowd.

With the first drops of rain falling, she takes the opportunity to sing “Rain song”, which she wrote for Botswana. According to her, the country was facing a period without rain, when she decided to write the song. “You won’t accept it, but it rained.”

Despite being his homage to music, the track “Music”, originally recorded with Lauryn Hill, left the audience warmer, until the final stretch, with the band’s grandiose performance and jets that launched papers.

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