German poet and novelist Lutz Seiler awarded Berlin Literature Prize

 Berlin Literature Prize was given to “Kruso” and “Stern 111” author Lutz Seiler with an endowment of 30 000 euros.

Lutz Seiler
Lutz Seiler

The Berlin Literature Prize, worth 30,000 euros, has been given to author Lutz Seiler (“Kruso,” “Stern 111”). 

On Thursday in Berlin, during a ceremony honouring the foundation’s 40th birthday, the 60-year-old got the award from the Prussian Sea Trade Foundation.

According to the judges, Seiler has been a “border-crosser” of genres since the middle of the 1990s, getting fresh, intriguing nuances from each genre. 

The award comes with a visiting professorship at the Free University of Berlin teaching German-language poetry.

The Prussian State Bank’s residual assets were used by the State of Berlin to create the Prussian Sea Dealing Foundation in 1983. She presents a number of prizes. 

Herta Müller, Clemens J. Setz, Lukas Bärfuss, and Rainald Goetz have already received the Berlin Literature Prize.

A scientific anniversary prize will also be given to commemorate the 40th anniversary. The cultural historian Agnieszka Pufelska will receive the 20,000 euro prize on Saturday. The publisher and novelist Christoph Links will receive the 10,000 euro Rahel Varnhagen von Ense Medal on Friday.

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