Ayatul Kursi: The verse of virtue


ayatul kursi
Ayatul Kursi

One day, Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A.) witnessed a guy robbing a charity of its supplies. Then he took her by the hand and promised to take her to the Prophet of Allah (PBUH). The stranger continues by declaring his extreme need. He was liberated by Abu Huraira (RA). 

When he saw Abu Huraira (RA) the next morning, he questioned him, “What did you do to your criminal yesterday?” Then, Abu Hurairah pleaded with him to pardon him. He lied to you, and he will return, the Prophet (PBUH) stated. The thief was apprehended the following day by Abu Huraira, who promised to send him before the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) this time.

The thief declares his great need once more and makes a promise not to return. When the Prophet (PBUH) questioned him again the next day, he provided the same response before declaring, “Indeed, he has lied to you and he will come again.” 

The next day again Abu Huraira (R.A.) waited for the thief and when he came to steal again, he caught him and said, ‘This time I will definitely take you to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)’. When the thief saw that he was indeed going to be taken to the Prophet (PBUH), he said, ‘Forgive me.’ I will tell you something through which Allah will grant you good.’ When Abu Huraira (RA) asked about it, the thief said, ‘When you go to sleep, read Ayatul Kursi and sleep, then Allah will appoint a guard for you, who will be with you and no devil can come near you until morning.’ Hearing this, Abu Hurairah (R.A.) ) released him. 

The next day, when the Prophet (PBUH) asked again about the criminal, he told about the previous night. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Although he is a liar, he has told the truth.’ The Prophet (PBUH) said to Abu Huraira (RA), ‘Do you know who he is?’ Abu Huraira (RA) said, ‘No’. The Prophet (PBUH) said to Abu Huraira (RA), ‘He is Satan.’ [Sahih Bukhari No. 2311]

Verse 255 of Surah Baqarah is known as Ayatul Kursi. This is a famous verse of Quran Sharif. Due to the monotheistic, dignity, and goodness of Allah being mentioned throughout the entire verse, Allah Ta’ala has included several qualities in this verse. Reciting it gives numerous advantages.

“Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom

laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm; lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard

man zallazee yashfa’u indahooo illaa be iznih

ya’lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum

wa laa yuheetoona beshai ‘immin ‘ilmihee illa be maa shaaaa

wasi’a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya’ooduho hifzuhumaa

wa huwal aliyyul ‘azeem”

This means that the only true deity is Allah, the Living, the Sustainer of everything. Sleep and rest have no power over Him. He is the owner of the entire cosmos and earth. Who is there who could intervene on his behalf without his consent? Everything that is ahead of or behind the vision is known to him. They are unable to include everything He knows, but only to the extent He chooses. All of the earth and the sky are included in his kursi (throne). And he has no trouble keeping them under control. He is the Greatest and the Supreme.

Ayatul Kursi contains 9 sentences in total.

Compare and contrast the first and ninth sentences:  No other deity exists save Allah, the Living, the Sustainer of all things, as stated in the opening verse. He is the Most High and the Greatest, according to verse nine.

 Relationship between the second and eighth sentences: He is immune to sleep and slumber. The eighth phrase reads, “And it’s not hard for him to hold them,”

The third statement and the seventh sentence are equivalent in meaning: (All that is in the heavens and the world belongs to Him.) and (His Kursi (throne) embraces all that is in the heavens and the earth).

Who is there who intercedes with Him without His permission? is the juxtaposition of the sixth and fourth sentences. they cannot include anything from His wisdom, but they can include as much as He chooses, as stated in the sixth clause. Amazing match!

Except for the sixth phrase, he is aware of everything that is either in front of or behind the view.

How elegantly it occasionally explains its purpose and location.

Rasulullah (SAW) stated, as related by Hazrat Abu Umama (RA), that death is the only obstacle standing in the way of a person entering Paradise if they recite Ayatul Kursi after the required prayer.

O Messenger of Allah (SAW), Hazrat Abu Zar Jundub Ibn Janadah (RA) addressed Rasulullah (SAW), What is the verse that you feel is the most respectable? Ayatul Kursi, said Rasul (PBUH).

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