Czech politician Lukáš Kolářík under investigation for assaulting assistant

Luká Kolák, a former pirate MP and deputy minister of the interior in the Czech Republic, is currently the subject of a police investigation. His former aide, among other things, alleges that he physically abused her.

Lukáš Kolářík
Lukáš Kolářík

It was covered by the Czech publication Seznam Správy on Friday. Kolák requested the suspension of his Pirate membership at the party forum on Thursday. Ivan Barto, the deputy prime minister and chairman of the Pirates, said on Twitter that the party’s board will consider the issue on Sunday.

Kólark left the Ministry of the Interior a few weeks ago, and he gave personal reasons for his decision. At the time, Denik N reported on it and said that Kolák was involved in a skirmish that occurred after one of the Ministry of the Interior’s events and was what led to the departure. The previous deputy attested to the relationship.

Seznam Zpráv said that it was later discovered that the altercation involved him, his wife Jana, and his helper, with whom he was having an affair.  The assistant entered their room, where she “beat his sleeping wife and hit her with her fists and things that were at hand” and also threatened her with a knife, the website claims Kolark subsequently claimed on a secret section of the pirate forum.

Later, Seznam Zpravy presented the assistant’s statement, in which she denied threatening Kolárik’s wife with a knife and said that Kolárik had hit her twice following an altercation and kicked her repeatedly on the ground.   

In a subsequent statement to the website, the deputy minister who was there at the time said that, in self-defense, “there was only a blow, which was preceded by an unauthorized entry into the room we were sleeping in, an attack on my wife with an armed weapon, and an attack on me.”

Prague police spokesperson Jan Dank sent a message to the server stating, “On the basis of information from the public space, the Prague police began to investigate this matter and find out all the circumstances.”

The Spiritka Hotel, a lodging facility owned by the Ministry of the Interior, is where the events took place on June 1, according to the website. According to Minister Vt Rakuan (STAN), his subordinates would handle the situation, he said the editors of Seznam Zpráv.

Kolářík requested suspension of membership on the party forum. “Due to the current media case involving me, I am suspending my membership in the party because I do not want the party to be associated with it,” he said.

Veronika Kovářová, the president of the South Bohemian Pirates, took note of this at the forum, because  Kolářík was the vice-president of the regional association.

According to Bartoš, the pirates took the situation very seriously from the beginning and solved it.

The Pirate Party has long fought for a better position for the victims, and we do not condone violence. On July 4, Lukas Kolárik accepted responsibility for his actions, resigned as the deputy interior minister, and his membership—and thus, his participation in internal party affairs—was stopped. At their meeting on Sunday, the Republican Presidency will talk about the circumstance once again, he added.
Source: Seznam Správy/Irozhlas

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