The Anti-Mafia Commission’s new president is Chiara Colosimo.Before the voting, the opposition MPs protested by leaving the room since the center-right chose to back the candidate to whom the Pd, M5s, and avs had voiced their objections.
With 29 votes, the majority, Colosimo was chosen. There was one abstention and four preferences for Dafne Musolino of the Autonomie faction. On paper, there were 30 votes cast by the center-right alone, but one of them is regarded as invalid. Applause was heard after the election.
Mauro D’Attis (Fi) and Federico Cafiero de Raho (M5s) are the deputy presidents of the Anti-Mafia commission. With 29 votes, the first candidate won, while the second received just 13. The next ballots were one vacant and four blank ones.
After the election, Colosimo sought to allay any concerns regarding his apparent association with former nar terrorist Luigi Ciavardini by declaring, “I have no friends. I only did what was required of me in my capacity as a regional councilor to see folks who had been or were in detention.Since he belongs to an organization that works with the reintegration of other inmates after they have served their terms, in accordance with Article 27 of the Constitution, I am familiar with the suspected Ciavardini in the same way that many other elected officials of various party affiliations are.
“In my life, the evidence and the conflicts I’ve fought thus far have always spoken for themselves. I welcome the relatives of the victims here out of the utmost respect I have for them. Colosimo went on to remark on the request made by the family members of mafia and terrorist victims to the political parties not to vote for her as head of the Bicameral inquiry. “This is their home, they can come here whenever they want and indicate their priorities,” he said. Speaking about the Commission’s work, you said, “It is obvious that the mafia has altered its face in recent years, leaving the attacks to become more insidious and dangerous since it has infiltrated our daily lives.
“We must respond to the younger ones,” he said, “because Messina Denaro’s arrest wasn’t only a spectacular blow to mafia criminality. However, it must serve as a reminder that crime has not yet been completely eradicated, and this must be our ultimate objective if we are to uphold our pledge and that of the Anti-Mafia Commission to the younger generations who still have the power to put an end to the mafias. “We’ll do everything we can” for this.
Walter Verini, the head of the Democratic Party in the Commission, made a scathing remark on Chiara Colosimo’s election, saying that it “represents a slap that the Commission and this country did not deserve.” They have demonstrated deafness and closure, and under their president the Commission is weak and lacking in credibility. The Anti-Mafia Commission does exist, though, and dedication is required. It will be our responsibility to make sure that this Commission does not turn out to be a wasted opportunity because Verini asserts that the mafias exist and are harmful because they infiltrate society’s ganglia. The Democratic Party and the M5S were said to have “split up the different duties of vice president and secretary” of the Antimafia by Italia Viva and Senator Raffaella Paita, to which Verini responds: “
The latest difficulties surrounding the Anti-Mafia Commission’s president run the risk of undermining the confidence and authority of a sensitive and crucial institution for our democracy. We think that the associations of victims of terrorism and organized crime, as well as Salvatore Borsellino, are the ones who best understand the ideas of justice that exist in our society. In accordance with the values entrenched in the Constitution, the Anti-Mafia commission is a foundation of the institutional commitment to legality. The actions of the commission are a part of the long history of mafia investigation.
For the M5 it is therefore essential that a figure be indicated for the presidency who interprets the spirit of the law with which we established the new Commission “instead, the members of the M5s had affirmed in the Commission.
Avs also expressed opposition to Colosimo’s nomination, saying that “the majority should have taken into account the concerns of the families of the victims of the massacres regarding Chiara Colosimo as president of the parliamentary Anti-Mafia commission and put forward a different proposal.” In these circumstances, it is crucial that the oppositions work together to demand more institutional respect, and for the same reason, we will also abstain from the presidential election.
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