Koningsdag 2023: Netherlands celebrates the King’s Day

 Today marks King Willem-Alexander’s 56th birthday in Rotterdam.

koningsdag 2023
Dutch Royal Family on Koningsdag(King’s Day) celebration in Rotterdam, April 27, 2023 (ANP / Robin van Lonkhuijsen)

The KMA King’s Day celebrations officially began this morning with a Flag Parade on the Kasteelplein. The cadets thus demonstrate the link between the Royal House and the city of Breda. The commencement signal for the procession was issued at 10 o’clock. Among other things, this was done in the presence of Mayor Paul Depla.

On the occasion of King Willem-Alexander’s 56th birthday, the Government Information Service has released a new photograph of him. The photograph was shot in December at The Hague’s Noordeinde Palace. The monarch is dressed in a dark grey suit with a grey blue tie and is posing with his back to the mirror. His breast pocket is adorned with a white pocket square.

Meanwhile, the royal family’s tour began in the Afrikaanderwijk neighbourhood of South Rotterdam. On the Afrikaanderplein, thousands of people have assembled. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb welcomed the Oranjes to the city, where ‘the colours are splashing’ today, according to him.

Princess Alexia is unable to attend King Willem-Alexander’s 56th birthday celebrations in Rotterdam. The Government Information Service (RVD) reported this. The princess’s absence is due to upcoming examinations. Alexia, the royal couple’s middle child, attends school in Wales. Willem-Alexander’s visit to Rotterdam commemorates the tenth anniversary of his reign.

Source: Omroep Brabant

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