Argentina: Cristina Kirchner questions dollarization and the agreement with the IMF

The Vice President addressed the idea put on the agenda by Javier Milei, assuring that “it does not stop inflation.” She alluded to the libertarian legislator without naming him and criticised his initiatives.

Argentine Vice-President Cristina Kirchner (Infobae)

“The Argentine Republic’s history is the history of dollarization.” “I’d like to analyse that: they’ve come to tell us that what failed years ago can now be the solution,” he explained.

Along similar lines, he went on to say, “We are discussing what failed 20 years ago, and the leaders of the other political sector, of what is now the alliance that was once the government, are also officials for whom the people have asked that they all leave.”

“It’s an eternal Argentina circular in the characters and proposals, which is why these debate and training spaces are important.” Invite the young people to reflect on what transpired. It is hard to go on in the present or the future unless you know what transpired.”

“The issue is that dollarization is presented as the answer and solution to inflation, and if we look at what happens in Ecuador, we see that inflation does not stop because of dollarization,” stated the former president while showing visuals on the currency situation in Ecuadorian territory.

Cristina Kirchner sought a reconsideration of the IMF agreement: “It is inflationary.”

“When these extremely dangerous theories for society are advanced, the truth that one tells is that it is possible that 20 years later we are discussing what failed in Argentina 20 years before?” What happens to our countrymen? She’s an Argentine who visits her spirits. “I’m not saying we’re wrong, but don’t tell me I have to go back to solve the present and future,” she said again concerning dollarization.

“There is a point of contact with that past, but not in terms of the economic model, it must be said: today we have growth but with low wages, and a new phenomenon, with poor income distribution, is taking place.” For the first time, disadvantaged workers in a dependent relationship. “We have a new challenge,” he said, adding, “The growth will be taken by four living, which is what is happening now.”

CFK argued that there is a link to the past, referring to the return to the IMF as a “ballast for the country.” “No one with intellectual honesty cannot affirm that it is something negative for the country,” he said.

Then, addressing inflation particularly, he stated, “This agreement with the IMF is inflationary because it is a canned policy that is applied as a single-issue recipe in all countries.” The biggest source of price fluctuations is the fluctuation of the dollar.”

“That agreement with the IMF must be reviewed.” “They say there are hawks and doves in the IMF, just like there are in the Argentine opposition,” he analysed and maintained. “We want the agreement’s conditions reviewed, and we want the payment to be tied to the trade surplus.”

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