Google Doodle celebrates Bangladesh’s Independence Day 2023

 This is the Glorious Independence and National Day of South Asian nation Bangladesh, March 26. Today marks Independence and National Day around the country. Today is a watershed moment in the history of Bengali freedom.

Google Doodle celebrates Bangladesh's Independence Day 2023
Google Doodle celebrates Bangladesh’s Independence Day 2023

Google, the world’s most popular search engine, has designed a unique doodle in honor of Independence Day and National Day. Google Doodle has been available from Saturday at 12:00 p.m. On the main page, they are wishing Bangladesh Independence Day with a beautiful doodle.

The Bangladeshi flag has taken the place of Google’s name in the image. When someone searches for something from Bangladesh on Google, they will get a doodle with a red-green flag.

The doodle says ‘Bangladesh Independence Day 2023’ when you tap it. After clicking on it, the history of independent Bangladesh’s independence day and relevant historical websites are displayed.

Instead of using their own logo in the search box with various nations, famous people, important days, or inventions, Google develops a suitable logo, the doodle. In continuation with this, Google has created a doodle commemorating Bangladesh’s momentous independence day today.

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