Werewolf sighting in Yemen: What actually happened there?

 The early adopters of social media in Yemen have recently been spreading a video clip that depicts a crowd approaching a supposed werewolf and shooting him to death.


After murdering him, the werewolf was the only character in the viral video clip, but other voices could be heard discussing him and reacting to him in various ways.

Examining the video clip demonstrated that it was a hoax and a re-publication of a rumour that had previously been spread, with the same tale but a different location of its occurrence.

Rob Kopaski, the optical illusion designer and sculptor who created the imagined werewolf and the original clip photos, clarified the facts as a result of the proliferation of the werewolf myth in a number of nations. In a 2021 Instagram video, Rob Kopaski declared: “I am a sculptor.”

He said, “We were trying something, and one of them stole the video clip from my Instagram account, deceived you into thinking it was real and killing people, which is not true, because I made it, so I wanted to clarify the truth for you.”

A human that transforms into a wolf at specific times, typically when the moon is full, is referred to as a werewolf, a legendary creature who appears in stories of ancient mythology.

Source: Al-Khaleej

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