Either NATO goes to war or urge Zelensky to surrender

 The reality is that only NATO, by actively participating in the conflict, has a chance of altering the course of the war.

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[Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky]

The conflict in Ukraine, according to experts, “will be a war that will endure a long time and as a result, we must prepare.” This was the warning that was issued by Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, only two days ago. But the truth is that since they are the only ones waging this conflict, the Ukrainians are the ones who have the most work to do in order to be ready. We are only experiencing the economic consequences, which, despite how serious they are (especially for the popular classes), are in no way comparable to the tragic situation that they are in, what with the cities being leveled by bombing, the number of deaths rising every day, and the number of refugees reaching millions at this point. 

Europe and the Ukrainians need to also prepare for another thing, something that neither Macron nor any other Western politician wants to say, which is that if NATO does not immediately engage this conflict, Kiev will lose it. Neither Macron nor any other Western leader wants to say this. This is something that can be comprehended by everyone, regardless of their level of military knowledge. It is now quite evident that Ukraine is merely prolonging her anguish by continuing her resistance for as long as she chooses to do so in a completely respectable manner; nevertheless, without assistance from other sources, she is only extending the duration of her suffering. Both Crimea and the Donbass have disappeared off the map (or much of it anyway). Does anybody in their right mind think that there is a chance for a counter-offensive? Let’s be serious. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will then have to make a decision on what course of action it will take, based on whether or not it has the fortitude (or the insanity) to cut short the wait and immediately start a war with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. She has to make a decision about whether or not she is willing to accept responsibility for releasing,

Or, if he does not want to do it, which seems obvious, he must tell Volodymyr Zelensky that he has decided to leave Kiev to its fate, and that as a result, it is preferable for him to surrender as soon as possible, so that we can put an end to it, as much as the result is already written. This will allow us to bring an end to the conflict. The European Union is working on another another round of sanctions, but does it really think that these measures will be enough to convince Vladimir Putin to stop? Or is it possible that the Kremlin may decide to pull out since it is no longer possible for the Russians to live without McDonald’s? The reality is that, at least for the time being, sanctions are having very little of an effect on Russia, and it will be several years before they begin to really hurt the country. And in the meanwhile, what actions have the people of Ukraine taken? Do they put up a fight right up to the very end? We can continue to provide them weaponry, but they won’t be able to readily replace the troops who have been killed.

What then that of pure armaments was another another ballet that neither the United States nor Europe could be considered very respectable. First, we only sent helmets and possibly some guns, then we moved on to sending tanks, but only those that were produced in the Soviet Union (this is already a joke), or those that had left us perhaps from the First World War and were taken from some museum and sent in Kiev (“You have to put a little oil in the crawlers, they make a little smoke and I don’t know very fast, but come on, in all, I still know good”). The long-range missiles eventually arrived, but as long as they are not really fired at great range, a problem will occur if they do not make it to Russia. In addition to this, we are providing training to Ukrainian military (or rather the US and especially the UK are doing it),

It doesn’t matter what you believe about the Ukrainians or this war; the fact that they put up a valiant fight despite the imbalance of forces in their favor is something that cannot be refuted and absolutely must be appreciated. They are defending their territory with the ferocity of lions, putting up a battle that very few people would have done. But, sadly, it is not enough for them, and their bravery on its own will not be enough to win the battle. Nor will Zelensky’s impressive-sounding proclamations have any effect; at this point, they are no longer even effective in boosting the morale of the army and the public; instead, all they do is make the situation seem absurd. A few days ago, his defense minister said that there are one million troops ready to battle to retake the southern region of the nation, but as he was saying it, he realized that he did not believe it himself.

The reality is that only NATO, by actively participating in the conflict, has a chance of altering the course of the war. However, NATO will not participate in the conflict because we do not have the intestinal fortitude to cut off Russian gas supplies, much alone the intestinal fortitude to destroy Russia. Because of this, there is just one option left, and the sooner it is selected, the sooner this dripping will come to a stop.

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