The photographs of the heir to the throne's first day at the academy have been issued by the Spanish Royal House. Leonor appears in a uniform performing various tasks.

princess leonor military uniform
Princess Leonor in military uniform at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza

The first photos of Princess Leonor at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, where she will enrol in the first stage of studies related to her military training that will complete in July 2024 with her appointment as Dame Ensign Cadet, were released by the Royal House on Friday.

According to Zarzuela, Leonor appears in uniform in the pictures, which correlate to her first day at the Academy, getting her personalised battle equipment, starting her Army training, and taking her first theoretical military training sessions.

The heir to the throne of Espala will go through three years of military training, which will prepare her to become the captain General of the Armed Forces once she becomes queen, as required by the Constitution, after graduating from the Army, Air Force, and Navy academies. She will attend the Naval School of Mann (Pontevedra) throughout that period.

This Thursday, August 17, the Princess of Asturias, the King and Queen, and her sister, the Infanta Sofa, all arrived to the Zaragoza Military Academy.

The reveille is often held around 6:30 a.m. for AGM students. Then comes breakfast. Classes, which include both theoretical and practical instruction, begin at 7.45 a.m. At 2:00 p.m., the dining room opens. There is a self-service system and a single menu with a selection of first and second courses as well as desserts for everyone.

Students have activities, study sessions, and free time in the afternoons. Despite the fact that you can study at night in your rooms or in the classrooms, there is quiet at 11:00 p.m., a night control at 10:30 p.m., and dinner at 8:00 p.m.

Students can leave the school in the afternoons after saying the pledge of loyalty, but they typically don't because the academic programme is rigorous and a focus. It also has a departure schedule on the weekends.

Princess Leonor in military uniform on her first day at military academy

princess leonor
Princess Leonor of Spain in military dress

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