Ahmed Andel, a young artist who launched his career with the second installment of the television series "El Ekhteyar 2: Regal Al Zel," passed away unexpectedly this morning, Monday, at the age of 36. The Syndicate of Representative Professions has verified that the young artist had a heart attack.

ahmed andel
Ahmed Andel

The syndicate stated that the burial will take place in Egypt's Al-Hadidi cemetery, Al-Obour, Belbeis Road, Belbeis and that the funeral prayer will be conducted today following the midday prayer from Al-Hosary Mosque in the 6th of October City.

Ahmed Andel's mother died away 7 months ago, and in recent days he has frequently referred to the artist as his late mother. He also stated in his most recent post that he was unable to live without his mother.

Ahmed Andel, a deceased artist, graduated from the Higher Institute for Dramatic Arts in 2017 after enrolling in the program in 2012 and earning a BA in Systems and Information from Alexandria in 2008.

He appeared in the 2021 film Pause Men, as well as the 2014 television series Countdown and the 2018 film Night Out. He gained notoriety in 2021 when he took on the role of martyred hero Islam Mashhour, who perished in the Oasis accident.
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