The station’s famous comic has revealed that his program, which has aired every day at 5 p.m. since 2014, will not be renewed by management, who intends to transfer it to weekends. Internally, we are debating whether or not to adapt our approach to comedy.
“It is not my decision. I confirm that the daily ceases.” Charline Vanhoenacker was compelled to perform a decent job against the odds on the set of C à vous on France 5 on Wednesday evening. The Belgian journalist, interviewed by Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine, put an end to the open secret that had fueled conversations within the Round House for two weeks: It’s still us, the program she presents every day from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., will end at the start of the school year.
The program, which combined information, guests, and entertainment, had been broadcasting since 2014. It was consecutively titled If you listen, I cancel everything, By Jupiter!, then It’s still us!, and it became known as one of the icons of public radio throughout the years, particularly for his political satires. He gave birth to a band, with chroniclers from the start strongly recognized as Guillaume Meurice , Alex Vizorek, Juliette Arnaud, Clara Dupont-Monod or André Manoukian, who have since been nicknamed “the Belgians”, even for those who are not Belgians. not. Before adding more voices to their repertoire.
Yes, but here it is: at the start of the school year in September, the itchy hair program that loves to shake up the powerful will shift for the weekend, as chosen by Adèle Van Reeth’s new management – and as published by Le Parisien on May 1. If conversations between the show’s staff and management continue, the hypothesis of a live broadcast on Sunday at the conclusion of the day retains the rope. Instead, Matthieu Nol, host of Zoom zoom zen, is the frontrunner to take over the slice on weekdays at 5 p.m. He has already replaced Charline Vanhoenacker as morning ticket clerk since the beginning of the school year.
“I leave the keys to a Rolls,” the 45-year-old producer said with a smile on Wednesday. And here’s what’s surprising: the show is a hit with the public, so much so that it’s coming closer to the Big Heads, hosted on RTL by Laurent Ruquier: just 90,000 listeners separate them. “We’ve never been so far ahead in the polls.” In 2014, we had 350,000 listeners. We’ve reached 1.25 million people. We earned $100,000 each year. “We have the same pleasure as we did at the beginning, so it would never have occurred to me to go weekly,” the comic explained. “I would have done another year, but we will adapt, I am quite enthusiastic,” she forcedly assured.
Several voices are questioning behind the scenes about a shift in editorial direction at France Inter, which has arrogant audiences and an envied position as the number one radio station, which it hopes to preserve. Would Charline Vanhoenacker and her band, displays of acidic and devoted Inter humor, have done their daily work for the station’s new administration – which has yet to speak on the subject? Or would they have irritated you? When asked if she and her band might “disturb” journalist Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine, the Belgian evaded: “I don’t think so.” We’re not such filthy children. You will seek my advice.
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