In the 26th Competition for the "Easter Kosolecke," the most lovely and customary basket with a saint, lambs made of butter and other traditional goods were placed in the baskets of tiny highlanders.

Bialy Dunajec: Village kids from Poland prepared traditional Swieconka

Kids of Polish village Baily Dunajec Sweiconka (

The jury gave special consideration to the appearance of the contestant, the appearance and decorating of the basket, and the presence of traditional delicacies blessed in Podhale while making its judgment. The professor evaluating Kosoecki said, "I think everyone will get an award because everything is so beautiful here." There were perhaps 100 of them. The top finishers got prizes, and everyone else received presents and commemorative diplomas.

Fr. Jan Dolasiski, parish priest of the parish of Our Lady Queen of Angels in Biay Dunajec, expressed his gratitude for this amazing gift, which is preserving a family tradition from generation to generation. Andrzej Nowak, the mayor of Biay Dunajec, also greeted the competition's competitors.

- Butter used to be produced in "kiernicka," as it is known in Highland. The aforementioned steering wheel required two hours to prepare it, but because to advancements in technology, my grandma can now create butter in the Thermomix in just four minutes rather than two. Additionally, you need to be in the appropriate form to build a lamb, and we have that shape at home, says KAI Agata Nowak from Ciche, who prepared an Easter lamb with her grandmother out of butter. – This is really a lovely patent from grandmother, the highlander remarks.

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