Recently, Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, lambasted Apple for ruining the business aspirations of companies by forcing developers to pay fees of thirty percent for in-app purchases made via Apple's platform.
[Telegram CEO Pavel Durov] |
The Chief Executive Officer of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has said that Apple is "destroying business aspirations" with its restrictions regarding the App Store.
According to MacRumors, the corporation levies a thirty percent transaction fee on in-app transactions made by developers who make more than one million dollars yearly. Recent events have resulted in Apple being required to make a compensation payment of up to one hundred million dollars. This was partly caused by the high commission fee that the Apple house charges.
According to Mr. Durov, Apple has informed Telegram that it is unable to let content producers on its platform to utilize third-party payment methods.
In contrast to Apple's in-app purchase mechanism, Telegram's paywall functionality gives content providers the ability to charge users a fee in order to get access to certain channels or postings.
Instead of using Apple's in-app payment mechanism, Telegram previously gave content producers the option of accessing channels or postings by way of third parties and allowing them to keep 100% of the money they made from doing so. . According to Mr. Durov, Apple "was not pleased with content producers monetizing their work without paying a 30% charge," which led to Telegram being compelled to discontinue allowing sponsored posts and channels on its iOS edition.
Instead of relying only on the Apple ecosystem, maybe the future iteration of Telegram will find a way to provide content producers on its platform with other tools that can be used to monetise their work.
Mr. Durov stated that " this is just another example of how the trillion-dollar monopoly is abusing its market dominance to collect fees from millions of users struggling to monetize their own content." Earlier in the year, Apple and other tech giants were also reeling from antitrust laws from many different places.
" Before Apple destroys 'more dreams' and thousands more enterprises with higher taxes than any other company, I hope that authorities in the EU, India, and elsewhere will begin to take action. Which VAT is collected by the government," he said. "Vat" stands for value-added tax.