German comedian Mario Barth cancels show due to medical emergency

 On Saturday, a medical emergency happened during comic Mario Barth’s performance in Bochum. The 50-year-old was forced to end the performance, but he insisted on commenting on the paramedics’ deployment from the stage.

Mario Barth
[Mario Barth]

There are many claims concerning the individual in question’s care, and Mario Barth’s behavior is also mentioned. 

The comedian is believed to have made a joke about what was going on on stage. This irritated the rescue personnel, according to a representative for “Ruhr Nachrichten.” “It is not unusual for an artist to disrupt or even cancel their performance. Such action, however, is highly exceptional.”

Some audience members corroborated the comedian’s remarks to “Bild,” but presented the facts in a different way. According to a guest, Mario Barth only scolded the paramedic after he “entered calmly into the hall after almost four minutes as if nothing had occurred.”

From the stage, Mario Barth is believed to have screamed out to him: “How can you enter with such calm and arrogance? There is an emergency here!” According to the eyewitness, the comedian was so taken by the paramedic’s behavior that he asked for his name and told him that his actions will have repercussions. Applause erupted from the audience.

Another witness told “Bild” that it “seemed like a lifetime” until the hall paramedics arrived. “Mario Barth constantly questioned the stage suit wearers where the paramedics were. They made a concise ‘are called’ remark.”

The fire department’s comments annoyed her in this regard. There was no rapid assistance, and a stretcher was not available.

According to the eyewitness,

“The fire department may have assisted at some time, but only after a large delay and not immediately – and Mr. Barth mentioned this on stage. That was endorsed by the audience.”

According to a spokeswoman for Mario Barth, spectators in Bochum should be reimbursed for the odd segment of the presentation. He revealed that they will be able to visit one of the next events in the adjacent towns of Essen and Dortmund using their tickets.

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