Why Decathlon is changing its name to Nolhtaced in Belgium

 Decathlon is now known as “Nolhtaced” among our Belgian neighbors. You’ve probably figured out by now that these are promotional letters written backward to introduce a new service.

decathlon belgium
[Decathlon in Belgium]

The science of persuasion, as taught at Decathlon. The sign, which has white capital letters on a blue backdrop, can be seen from a distance and is easily recognized even when the characters are… backwards. Just look at the Nolhtaced signs in Evere, Namur, and Ghent, Belgium, and you can make up your own mind. It’s everything for the next 30 days. The strategy has more serious goals, including the promotion of a brand-new service.

According to a news release published on the Decathlon Belgium website, “Now you may conduct your shopping there upside down.” Take into account the fact that selling athletic products is now just as important as purchasing them. In fact, Decathlon promises to buy back any old or unused sports equipment from Belgian consumers, regardless of whether or not the item was purchased from Decathlon. It is mentioned that once repaired, they will be offered for sale as used products, this time with a guarantee.

Vouchers redeemable at Decathlon within two years will be given as compensation, not cheques or cash (valid for new products, but also second-hand and even for those available lease). The program’s primary goal is waste reduction, and secondary goals include expanding access to quality used goods for those in less fortunate circumstances.

Nolhtaced Belgium, as it will be known for the next four weeks, has established a trial run in preparation for the official start of the operation. Although 26,000 pieces of athletic equipment have been returned, the sports channel is hoping to reach a larger audience by gaining the support of more contributors. Almost anything may be traded in for vouchers, however items used for personal hygiene (bathrobes, socks, etc.) and items whose proper usage cannot be guaranteed to keep the next owner safe (helmets, for example) cannot be returned.

Last but not least, we won’t be included “cardio workout equipment, replacement components being hard to obtain” or anything else that’s truly terribly damaged.

The “reverse shopping” promotion is valid at all Belgian retail establishments. The temporary banners with the message written backwards will be turned “into bags that Decathlon will use to properly carry the things that the chain of shops provides for rental,” so there’s that. Obviously.

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