UNESCO-sponsored UN Summit for Quality Education in New York

 UNESCO is taking part in the Summit, which is currently being held in New York, by organizing 20 sessions to discuss a variety of topics.

UNESCO-sponsored UN Summit for Quality Education in New York
[UNESCO/France 24]

At the age of ten, six out of ten children throughout the globe are unable to comprehend even the most basic of texts, and there are still 244 million children and young people who are not enrolled in school anywhere in the world.

The United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) has conducted several investigations and papers that have uncovered the following information (permanently based in Paris).

The United Nations emphasizes that large numbers make it more difficult to provide everyone in the world with an education of sufficient quality, which is the objective that UNESCO hopes to accomplish by the year 2030.

Summit in New York for Quality Education

As a result of this, the Education Transformation Summit, which was requested by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, will take place in New York City from September 16 through September 19, 2022. According to a statement, UNESCO has confirmed that it will make the most of this opportunity as an organization.

The United Nations has a division that specializes in education, and it has been working to bring together a group of influential people from around the world in order to determine the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the objective of sustainable development. This is being done in order to guarantee that everyone will have access to an education of sufficient quality by the year 2030, and it is also being done in order to adapt educational systems to meet the challenges that the modern world is rife with through education programs such as For Peace, Climate Change Education.

The Education Transformation Summit is being led by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres. It comes in the wake of the most severe upheaval in education in the history of the world, which was caused by the “Covid-19” pandemic. According to the same source, this pandemic led to a sharp decline in progress achieved in the field of inclusion, quality, and feasibility.

Consultations on the direction education will take in the future were held all across the world by UNESCO, and more than one million different stakeholders took part. Following the completion of the consultation procedures, the group came to the conclusion that there is an immediate need to modify the educational system so that it is better equipped to deal with the new difficulties that the world is rife with today. In order to handle the disruption caused by the climate, and to keep up with the rapid advancements in digital technology, it is necessary to undergo a paradigm shift in the area of education.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has issued a statement in which it asserts that all of the organization’s aspirations are focused on the Transformation of Education Summit in order to speed up the mobilization of people throughout the world.

UNESCO is taking part in the Summit, which is currently being held in New York, by organizing 20 sessions to discuss a variety of topics. These sessions are being held in the presence of a number of ministers, representatives of civil society, United Nations agencies, and partners from the private sector. Some of the topics being discussed include education in emergencies and protracted crises, as well as education that is gender-sensitive. Issues pertaining to educators, the environment, early children education and care, digital transformation, data collection and monitoring techniques.

 Conference in Advance of the Main Event As part of UNESCO’s attempts to generate momentum, the organization has already planned a Preparatory Conference for the Education Transformation Summit, which will take place from June 28-30, 2022. The conference will include 1,800 attendees and 154 ministers and deputy ministers of education. During the course of this conference, the participating nations were given the opportunity to have a look at the preliminary findings of the consultations and to take part in multilateral talks on their new pledges and commitments.

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