The resignation of Boris Johnson has dealt a severe blow to the reputation of Britain. Are there any upsides for labor?
Interview with Michèle Auga, heads the office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Great Britain.
These last several days have been rather eventful for Great Britain. Boris Johnson has resigned as the head of the Conservative Party in the wake of many scandals, but he intends to continue serving as Prime Minister until the party has selected a new leader. How has Johnson been able to maintain his stance for this length of time?
-The fact that Boris Johnson chose to ignore the evidence was hardly a development that caught anybody off guard. The manner in which the Conservative Party responded, on the other hand, was rather fascinating. After all, she was the one who elevated him to a position of power and made him the object of her adulation throughout the Brexit process. The party has a number of things to raise, the most important of which is why the government did not resign as a unit. Why have Members of the European Parliament been so silent for such a long period, only expressing their opinions behind closed doors? Is the vote of no confidence governed by the most recent iteration of the party’s internal regulations? The tumultuous hours that led up to his revelation gave rise to the assumption that the crisis in Great Britain is not a problem caused by Boris Johnson. It is a structural crisis in which it became evident that the Johnson years further weakened the democratic system in favor of purportedly effective populist ideals. This realization occurred as a result of the crisis in which it became clear that the Johnson years. There is no such thing as a coincidence with all of the analogies to Trump. And that brings us to arguably the most important question: following this excursion into populist domains, what kind of scars will be inflicted against the democratic system?
Gloating is something that political watchers advise against for a number of reasons, including this one. In the middle of a war in Europe and one of the most significant socioeconomic crises the nation has ever faced, a party is now deeply split over its fundamental policies. She did not hesitate to appoint a prime minister despite the fact that it was evident he was unqualified for the position. They have been able to install a populist in the mold of Boris Johnson at the head of one of the most influential G7 and NATO nations thanks to the idea of pursuing Brexit at all costs. Now coming from inside the ranks of the firm itself is the refrain, “He was not the right guy for the position.” His contribution to the Brexit will be remembered as his legacy. However, it is quite likely that it will only be a matter of time before the British people starts to engage in a discussion that is objectively oriented on this “achievement” and the price that was paid for it.
Johnson’s campaign slogan during the election was “Get Brexit done.” What is his income statement like?
Johnson will leave behind a politically and socially highly divided nation, the future of which is still uncertain due to the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit. It is now conceivable to consider the possibility of Irish reunification, while the administration of Nicola Sturgeon in Scotland continues to win election after election while chanting the war cry for independence. After Brexit, Great Britain is the only G7 nation to have seen no economic growth since the implementation of Corona. The inflation rate is now around 10%. Even if additional estimates become more questionable as a result of the significant lack of trained employees and the rapid increase in energy costs, the British statistics authority predicts that gross domestic product will shrink by around 4 percent over the long run. Already, the amount of British goods sent to the EU has increased by 41%, while the amount imported has decreased by 29%. Following the Brexit vote, there has been a continuation of the worsening trend of income inequality in the UK, which now ranks among the highest in all of Europe. And instead of decreasing taxes, as was promised during the election campaign, they were raised on April 1 in a socially highly uneven way by means of a larger social contribution for everyone. This was done in order to pay for increased spending on social programs. This tax that was charged is seen as the most significant breach of any and all Brexit commitments made inside the nation. It is already unavoidable that by the year 2023, more than one million adult Americans will be living in appalling poverty. Because of this, the Brexit balance sheet is far worse than minimal.
How does it go from here?
-In fourteen days, London’s political establishment will take a holiday for the summer. Within those two weeks, the Conservative Party will be required to select a replacement, who will then be able to be ratified at the Tory Party Conference at the beginning of October. After that, a rather small group, namely the 200,000 people who are members of the Conservative Party, will choose who will guide the nation through these challenging times. Johnson has every intention of continuing to serve as president until that time. It seems doubtful that he will be able to continue to head such an administrative administration in the aftermath of the de facto collapse of the government and the over 50 reit. Therefore, the possibility of a prime minister serving in a transitional capacity should not be discounted. That will also be decided over the following two days. Before the next general election, which will likely take place in 2023 or 2024, the new one will need to bring the various disparate wings of the party together. However, choosing when to hold the election will be a risky endeavor for the Conservatives. They will suffer a loss of the government majority in the next elections, according to the surveys.
According to the results of the polls, the Labor Party would not have its own majority. I don’t see why the party can’t gain from the instability that surrounds Johnson.
–The atmosphere at the party is everything from euphoric; in fact, it’s the complete opposite of that feeling. An accusation of breaching the Corona rules in April 2021 during a working session in Durham hangs like a blade of Damocles over both Keir Starmer and his deputy Angela Rayner. The incident allegedly took place in Durham. In contrast to Johnson, both of them had then pledged that should they be penalized, they would promptly step down from their respective posts. There were quite a few people who thought that this obeisance came too soon. They put themselves in a position where they may fall because the bar that they have set is so high.
In the event if the waiting government, in addition to Labor, were to become headless and leaderless, the crisis that is already affecting Britain’s political system would worsen once again. Beer Gate, the nickname given to Starmer’s trip to Durham, was just the occasion, not the root cause, of his failure; it was not the reason why he failed. After the contentious Labor Party Conference in Brighton last September, during which the erstwhile Corbyn camp seemed to be brought under control, internal party tensions were never completely addressed, despite the fact that the conference was divisive. When the electoral lists are being filled up, there are sometimes contentious disputes concerning something that is referred to as “Long Corbyn” in this context. Starmer eliminates candidates off the national lists if they are perceived to be too close to the previous leader. The reasoning for this is not something that can always be comprehended. The wounds that have been sustained by the party cannot heal using this method.
In addition, as a result of the decline in strength of the party’s left wing over time, long-term ties with labor unions have also become more strained. The summer of 2018 is shaping up to be a contentious one in Great Britain. There are months ahead that will be defined by major strikes, which may bring back memories of Margaret Thatcher’s time in office. Even if the demands of the strike are patently fair, the unions cannot be guaranteed that the Labor Party would back them up when they go on strike. Members of the Labor shadow cabinet have already been forced to publicly apologize for their inability to adequately address the issues raised by the strikes.
It is said that Starmer does not have any more original ideas than Johnson. why is it that
-The shadow of Brexit continues to loom over Westminster thanks to Labor’s inaction. Recent events saw Starmer make it quite plain, during a keynote address that was enthusiastically attended, that there would be no return to the EU with Labor. Instead, in contrast to the Conservatives, they will go on with Brexit. “Make Brexit work” is the alternate plea that Starmer is making. The head of the party asserts that if elected, Labor will rescue the British economy from the chains of the trade agreement. Under no circumstances is there any intention to make a comeback on the local market. However, other than a generalized five-point plan, it is still unclear how this would be consistent with the terms of the treaty with the EU. He is subjected to severe criticism from the British economy.
Many voters are unable to make the connection between Starmer and a program. Because of this, his profile and the profile of the party both remain obscure. The results of recent surveys suggest that it would at most be sufficient for a minority administration, which would be backed by Scottish nationalists and Liberal Democrats. However, the latter would come at a steep price in the form of a fresh vote on independence. This property also belongs to Boris Johnson and his family.
[Interview taken by Alexander Isele, IPG]
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