Nuclear energy is cheaper than solar and wind

 According to a research conducted by the University of Groningen in Netharlands , focusing only on renewable energy would raise the cost of electricity bills.

windmill photo
[A windmill/Unsplash]

If you compare investing in nuclear power facilities to just solar and wind energy, you will find that it is more beneficial for taxpayers’ purses. Those were the conclusions reached by three academics from the University of Groningen, who performed the investigation. A research that contributes to the current discussion in the Netherlands, where the pro-atom movement is pushing for nuclear power to be included among the sources of energy for the ecological transformation. This is especially true in light of the decision to permanently shut the old mega gas plant in Groningen, which was built in the 1960s.

It is unquestionable that increasing the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind will lower the price of electricity, but it is also true that these sources will be less “reliable” because their level of production is directly related to the variability of weather conditions, according to the study’s findings. In this regard, nuclear power provides more stability assurances than other forms of energy. In addition, in a fossil-free environment, its favorable benefits on bill costs would be more consistent throughout time.

Furthermore, the researchers point out that nuclear power plants need lower subsidies per unit of energy produced than renewable energy sources, notably offshore wind farms, which the government is focusing its attention on promoting extensively. “Wind energy is something we hear a lot. Offshore is free, however this is due to the fact that the government pays for a large portion of the expenditures associated with being at sea “According to Machiel Mulder, who is one of the study’s authors,

Currently, the Netherlands has just one nuclear power plant, which is located in Borsaele. However, the administration of Prime Minister Mark Rutte has discussed the prospect of constructing two more reactors. The concept was met with instant opposition from environmentalists who were concerned about the plant’s safety as well as the radioactive waste it would generate. The University of Groningen research took these considerations into consideration and came to the conclusion that the hazards are overstated. “According to Mulder, reducing CO2 emissions alone via the use of solar and wind energy is insufficient; nuclear energy is also required. Furthermore, it is much more affordable, which makes a difference to the average citizen’s budget. Exactly why are subsidies paid by the general public? “He comes to a conclusion.

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