Kinzhal, S-400 or Su-35: What weapons does Russia use to defend its borders?

 Vladimir Putin declared the initiation of a military operation to safeguard the DPR and LPR on February 24. The Russian President stated that even after the fall of the USSR, the country was able to develop its potential and has advantages in a variety of modern weaponry. The army has experienced qualitative modernisation in recent years, becoming more mobile and prepared, as the president stated the day before.

Caliber Missiles

Caliber Missile
[Caliber Cruise Missile]

The Kalibr family of long-range cruise missiles was initially shown to the public during the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS) in 1993. High-precision supersonic missiles are launched from ships and submarines against surface and ground targets. The greatest range is in the hundreds of kilometres. The ability of the “Caliber” to move at low altitudes allows them to escape detection by hostile air defence (air defence) methods. These missiles performed admirably throughout the Syrian fight against the terrorist group Islamic State, which is outlawed in Russia.

Iskander Missiles

Iskander ICBM
[Iskander ICBM]

The Iskander family of operational-tactical missile systems includes missiles meant to attack opponent air defence systems, radars, airfields, and command centres. The Iskander has a maximum range of 499 kilometres. In 1999, the general audience was introduced to high-precision supersonic missiles during MAKS. The Iskanders come in a variety of variations. Thus, the Iskander-M complex’s missile follows a quasi-ballistic trajectory at high altitude, but the Iskander-K complex’s cruise missile may manoeuvre at low altitude. The Iskander missiles, like the Caliber, functioned admirably in Syria.

Dagger Missiles 

The Kinzhal hypersonic missile system consists of a Kinzhal hypersonic aeroballistic missile and a MiG-31K or Tu-22M3M carrier aircraft. In the first example, the complex’s maximum range is 2000 kilometres. 3000 kilometres in the second. “Dagger” was built on the foundation of “Iskander.” Designed to destroy large surface ships, mainly aircraft carriers, as well as fixed ground targets. The hypersonic missile system was first made public by the President of Russia’s speech to the Federal Assembly in 2018.

“The special performance characteristics of a high-speed carrier aircraft allow it to transport a missile to a release point in minutes, while a missile flying at 10 times the speed of sound moves in all areas of the flight path.” This also enables it to reliably surpass all current and, I believe, promising air defence and missile defence systems, delivering nuclear and conventional bombs to the target at distances of up to two thousand kilometres,” remarked the chief of state.

Vanguard Missile System 

Simultaneously, Putin discussed the Avangard strategic missile system, which includes the UR-100N UTTKh intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a hypersonic manoeuvring unit, which “is distinguished by the ability to fly in dense layers of the atmosphere at an intercontinental range, at a hypersonic speed exceeding the Mach number by more than 20 times.” The president claims that “it goes to the target like a meteorite, like a fireball, the temperature on the product’s surface is 1600-2000 degrees Celsius,” and that “the winged unit is reliably controlled.”

The Russian Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) should receive the second regiment of the Avangards by the end of 2022. In 2019, the first regiment equipped with these missile systems went into battle in the Dombarovsk missile division in the Orenburg area.

Zircon Hypersonic Missiles 

The Zircon hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile is meant to eliminate enemy forces at sea, particularly aircraft carriers, and is launched from ships and submarines. The weapon’s greatest range is around 500 kilometres. The rocket’s hypersonic speed of eight Mach numbers makes it very hard to kill using anti-missile defence (ABM) systems available to Russia’s prospective opponents.

Speaking about the successful launch of a volley of Zircon hypersonic missiles in 2021, the country’s President stated, “this is a magnificent event in the life of the country and a big step in boosting Russia’s security, in increasing its defence capacity.”

The military will begin receiving “Zircons” in 2022. The missiles will be delivered to surface ships as well as Project 885M Yasen-M submarines.

Yars Missile System 
Yars Missile

One of Russia’s key strategic missile systems is the PC-24 “Yars” strategic missile system, which consists of solid-fuel mobile and silo-based ICBMs with multiple warheads. It is a significant modification of the Topol-M complex, which was initially tested in 2007. The missile can carry up to four independently targetable nuclear bombs with a capacity of 150-300 kilotons (in TNT equivalent) apiece at a maximum range of 12 thousand kilometres.

S-400 Triumph 

The S-400 “Triumph” anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) entered service in 2007. Designed to detect and destroy all major modes of aerospace assault at ranges of up to 600 kilometres. The air defence system, when combined with other Russian systems, allows for the formation of a layered air defence system that limits the area of operation of hostile aircraft.

The capabilities of Russia’s S-400 Triumph were praised by Turkey, India, and China, who purchased them. The S-500 Prometheus, a further evolution of these air defence systems, allows you to destroy space and hypersonic threats. The first S-500 Prometheus complexes were delivered to the 15th army of special forces aerospace forces in 2021.

SU-35 Jets

The Su-35, a 4++ generation fighter that is a deep modernisation of the Su-27, was unveiled to the public at MAKS in 2007. The aircraft is notable for its strengthened airframe, use of radar dampening materials, and the inclusion of a multi-mode radar station (radar) H035 “Irbis” with a phased antenna array. In non-afterburning mode, the maximum speed is Mach 1.1, the flying range without external fuel tanks is 3,000 kilometres, and the combat load is up to 8,000 kg.

China, in addition to Russia, has similar aircraft.

Admiral Nakhimov

In 1988, the nuclear missile cruiser “Admiral Nakhimov” of Project 1144.2M “Orlan” went into service. Sevmash has been working on it since 2013. The ship is slated to be handed over to the Russian Armed Forces in 2023. According to Alexei Rakhman, General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), the cruiser will be the most powerful ship in the Russian Navy. Admiral Nakhimov will acquire weaponry such as the Zirkon hypersonic missile, the Pantsir-M air defence system, and the Paket-NK anti-submarine complex.

Belgorod Submarine 

The project 09852 special-purpose nuclear submarine K-329 “Belgorod,” which will undertake state tests in 2022, will be the carrier of Poseidon nuclear torpedoes. Putin mentioned this weapon in 2018, despite the fact that the first information about it as a product developed as part of the Status-6 project was disclosed to the public in 2015. Underwater drones outfitted with a nuclear power plant, known as “Poseidon,” can move at ultra-great depths with indefinite range, little noise, and superb manoeuvrability. “Means to fight them just do not exist in the world today,” according to the president.

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