2G and 3G Rules Overview : Austria leads in Europe—EUROPEANS24

 With the state 2G rule, Austria is a European pioneer. Other European nations have adopted the 3G regulation in the workplace.

2G and 3G Rules Overview : Austria leads in Europe—EUROPEANS24

In Austria, the federal government has implemented a policy that is being debated across Germany in the wake of the corona pandemic: mandatory vaccination in public places. Despite the fact that the SPD, Greens, and FDP-led German federal government wants to do away with a statewide 2G law, it has been in effect in Saxony since Monday.

There, the constraints for unvaccinated persons result in a higher vaccination rate. Only persons who have been completely vaccinated or who have recovered are permitted to visit indoor restaurants, discos, and recreational and cultural institutions in Saxony, where the rate of new illnesses per 100,000 residents is just around 500.

Other European nations, in addition to Austria, have rigorous employment regulations. Special rules, especially for medical personnel, are not unusual. An overview of Germany’s neighbors and other European nations of interest:


Everyone above the age of 15 who is eligible for a vaccine is subject to the 2G regulation. A negative test result is no longer enough to get entrance to movies, restaurants, hair salons, or fitness studios as a client. Visitors to hospitals and care institutions are in the same boat. Employees can continue to “test themselves” in order to come to work unvaccinated under the 3G rule, which means they can continue to “test themselves” in order to come to work unvaccinated.

This may be accomplished using rapid antigen tests, which are valid for 24 hours and are still available for free in Austria. Employees in particular businesses, such as night catering or huge events, are required to take PCR testing. Only PCR testing will be approved in the medium future.

This is most likely one among the reasons why, for the second day in a row, corona vaccination facilities in Austria were packed. According to the Austrian news agency APA, after roughly 34,500 doses were provided across the country on Saturday, the authorities recorded more than 19,000 vaccines for Sunday. Vaccination clinics were also shuttered on Sunday in various parts of the country.


Denmark has also imposed new restrictions on public life, albeit just a few pandemic-related measures remain in place. The Danish government said on Monday that, in light of increased corona numbers, it plans to restore the so-called corona passport. Restaurants and some events, for example, would be restricted to vaccinated, convalescent, and negatively tested individuals.

In addition, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen stated that the government plans to recommend that Covid-19 be reclassified as a society-threatening condition. The corona passport, which verifies a vaccine, recovery, or negative test, should be valid at cafés, restaurants, and nightclubs, as well as indoor events with more over 200 people, according to the government’s plans.

On September 10, Denmark eliminated the final corona restrictions imposed during the outbreak. The Danish authorities defended this by citing high vaccination rates as well as the fact that the epidemic was under control.


Since September, all staff of hospitals, elderly or nursing homes, nursing services, emergency services, and the fire department in France have been vaccinated. Vaccine doubters were laid off as well.

For access into restaurants, cultural institutions, recreational facilities, and sports facilities, including outdoor areas, a 3G certificate is necessary. For travels by bus or long-distance train, such evidence is also required. Proof is also required for children under the age of twelve and two months.

Anyone who arrives in France unvaccinated and unrecovered may expect to pay more, as corona tests, if not requested, are no longer free as of mid-October. A PCR test will set you back at least 43.89 euros, while an antigen test will set you back at least 22 euros.

After practically all limitations were eliminated in the Netherlands, the government is now contemplating strengthening them. At the moment, there is no requirement to maintain a minimum distance of one and a half meters, and masks are only required to be worn on public transportation and at airports.

The 3G regulation, on the other hand, applies to restaurants, theaters, cinemas, concerts, and significant athletic events. Restaurants close at midnight, as do clubs and discos. You can get checked for free if you don’t have a vaccination certificate.


Unlike its neighbors, Belgium restored the mask requirement in most interiors last week in response to the rising numbers. Visitors require a 3G certificate for restaurants, hotels, fitness facilities, and indoor and outdoor events with more than 200 participants. Employees are not required to be vaccinated, although it is strongly suggested that they do so if at all possible.

Czech Republic 

The scenario in Germany’s east appears to be similar. Since November 1st, tighter corona restrictions have been in effect in the Czech Republic. Restaurants and bars are only permitted to serve “Green Pass” holders. A negative corona test is required for everyone who has not been immunized or who has not recovered. The evidence must be checked by the personnel. Otherwise, the business owner faces serious consequences.

At the same time, corona test validity periods have been reduced: antigen tests are only valid for 24 hours instead of three days, and PCR tests are only valid for three days instead of a week. Another unique aspect is that you are typically responsible for paying for the testing. In comparison to other EU nations, the Czech vaccination rate is low, with just 57 percent of the 10.7 million people completely vaccinated.


People in Poland do not need to be vaccinated, recovered, or tested in order to visit restaurants and pubs, for example. Capacity limitations, similar to those found in hotels, are in place to ensure that individuals do not come into touch with one another. The only limits that the locals face are the mask requirement, distance, and cleanliness procedures. The immunization rate is rather low, at roughly 53%.


The Federal Office of Public Health cautions that the epidemic’s trajectory is “unfavorable,” but there are no immediate plans to strengthen corona preventive measures. On buses and trains, masks must be worn, and visitors must provide proof of a negative test, vaccine, or recovery inside restaurants, bars, and cultural and leisure institutions. The EU certification is accepted.


In mid-October, the government in Rome enacted the strongest laws in Europe: in Italy, only those who have presented a vaccine, convalescence, or negative test are permitted to work, and the expenses of the tests, which must be repeated many times a week, are borne by the employee. Anyone who arrives at work without a “Green Pass” faces a fine of up to 1500 euros. In Italy, vaccinations have been required for medical professionals for a long time.

Aside from that, the laws are the same as in Germany: discotheques have been open since mid-October, and cinemas and theaters can now be used to their maximum capacity. For entrance, a “Green Pass” is always required.

South Tyrol, as Italy’s first region, now wants to leave. Arno Kompatscher, the governor of the autonomous region of Bolzano-South Tyrol, said on Tuesday that the administration had been requested to investigate if 2G laws, as in other European nations, should be implemented.

South Tyrol has requested that Rome allow regions to impose tighter laws in specific cases. The pandemic scenario, according to Kompatscher, is unsatisfactory. The rate of people immunized against Covid-19 is lower in this region than in other Italian regions.


In Greece, like in most of Italy, a similar law has been in force since Saturday: unvaccinated public and private sector personnel must submit a negative test twice a week at their own expense. If businesses, stores, or restaurants fail to comply with their control requirements, the government has enhanced the fines. Customers and visitors must also be vaccinated, recovered, or tested right now. Health care personnel must also be immunized for a lengthy period of time.

Greece has been operating under the 2G rules since September 13th. Only completely vaccinated or recovered persons are permitted to enter the interiors of restaurants, bars, cafés, or sports clubs. In cinemas, theaters, and museums, the 3G rule applies.

Portugal and Spain 

In the Iberian Peninsula, there is no 2G. In Spain and Portugal, the 3G limit mostly pertains to nightlife, which is otherwise freely unrestricted. In several locations, only individuals who have been vaccinated, recovered, or tested are allowed into pubs, clubs, and discos. The corona tests, as always, require digging into your pocket.

United Kingdom 

From April 1 of next year, health workers in England must be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Sajid Javid, the British Health Minister, confirmed the news on Tuesday.

The UK’s health policy falls within the jurisdiction of the four countries. This is one of the reasons why the rules in different sections of the country are so dissimilar. While the majority of England has essentially no corona laws, Scotland and Wales are a little tighter.

Masks are still required in local public transportation and stores, and 3G regulations apply to discos, nightclubs, and bigger events. A negative quick corona test can also be seen in those who have not been immunized. You are responsible for all costs. EU citizens may now use their Covid certificate to confirm they had a vaccine, test, or recuperation in the United Kingdom.

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