How Leaders Become The Leaders |EUROPEANS24

 A detailed leadership development plan from an expert.

Leadership leaders

A leader looks to be someone who speaks loudly and boldly, does not look back at other people’s comments, and is always surrounded by others. It is common practice to seek for this type of conduct, as well as to mimic and educate children from an early age. However, not everyone is born with the ability to lead, and for others, attempting to acquire leadership skills can lead to mental anguish and self-doubt.

How can you tell whether someone has a leadership personality? What methods should be utilized to help children and adults build leadership skills? What techniques should you avoid if you want to keep your mental health in good shape? Yanina Verzhenskaya, a psychologist, psychotherapist, and licensed gestalt therapist, informed media about it.

Leadership is demonstrated through a person’s actions in the home, at work, and in society. A guy like this is always in the spotlight. He manipulates and “subdues” people, often unknowingly. He wants to listen to him, he wants to believe him, and he regards his commands or thoughts as absolute truth.

[Yanina Verzhenskaya, a psychologist and gestalt therapist, says, “A leader has a brilliant personality.” – And it’s simple to spot it in any gathering of individuals at first sight. However, self-assurance and leadership are not synonymous. A leader must possess a set of characteristics.]

There are five major traits that define a person’s leadership abilities:

1. Intelligence : Only someone with a high level of intelligence has the potential to be a true leader. This is physically impossible for someone with a low level of intelligence.

2. Sociability : Leadership is built on the basis of communication. It becomes an inextricable element of existence, a must on a daily basis. The leader does not simply communicate because it is “required” or “acceptable,” but because he enjoys it.

3. Brightness : With his look and accuracy, the leader attracts attention to himself. He always takes care of himself since he is aware that he is constantly visible.

4. Association with team : Without individuals who believe in a leader’s personality, his ideals and goals, and even the notion of leadership, nothing is conceivable. As a result, such a person aspires to become one with the collective that he rules. At the same time, his individuality is meticulously tracked in his speech. He frequently use the pronoun “I,” which he prioritizes over the word “we.” “I feel you should…”, “There was a scenario in my profession…”, “If you follow me (believe me, you will meet my conditions), we can succeed.”

5. Power and control over events: It is critical for a leader to maintain control over his or her surroundings. He aspires to be a manager, and he pushes others to adopt his ideas. Such conduct comes naturally to him: he realizes that he would be able to attain his goal only as part of a team, not alone.

[Yanina Verzhenskaya, a psychologist and gestalt therapist, adds, “Leadership is fantastic.” – What matters more, though, are the concepts that exist in the leader’s mind. There are leaders who are peaceful and work for the greater good. There are also non-peaceful persons who lead a group of people to a common objective, only to discover afterwards that they have put the world in the wrong position. “History is replete with such examples.]

Necessity of Leadership Training 

Trying to be a leader may make life simpler, more interesting, and more fulfilling. Self-confidence, self-confidence, and self-confidence, knowing he is on the correct track, will allow him to achieve heights that insecure individuals can never dream of. Other advantages of this employment include:

★ Have faith in your company. A person knows exactly what he is doing and why he is doing it. He is not obligated to “give in” to someone else’s viewpoint.

★The ability to set your own limits. Allow no one to break them or alter the established motion vector.

★A clear statement of your viewpoint. A person works hard for what he truly desires and stands firm in his beliefs. And it is only in this situation that he may establish and attain any goals.

These traits should be instilled in children from an early age, with parents continually emphasizing the importance of the child’s input.

How to develop a child’s Leadership qualities 

[“Leaders, in my opinion, are born,” Yanina Verzhenskaya adds. – “Every youngster is born with natural leadership abilities. Look at how newborn infants act and cry. They know exactly what they require and expect to be followed and obeyed.”]

However, natural leadership often perishes in the educational process under the yoke of society. Even if the youngster has a clear idea of what he wants, his initiative is gradually stifled. This occurs in a home where the youngster is expected to follow the parents’ directions to the letter. This occurs at a school where the educational system is geared toward the “average” student, and where uniqueness and brightness are discouraged. Finally, by maturity, these traits have all but vanished, and in order to “resurrect” them, one must work diligently on oneself.

Identifying child’s leadership qualities 

Leadership does not need to be created in youngsters; all that is required is that natural personality qualities are not suppressed. It’s vital to pay attention to the child’s wishes and needs, and to communicate with him about what’s important to him and what he wants. It’s important to emphasize that his aspirations are valued, that he is valuable in and of himself, and that everything he accomplishes is fantastic. The kid can create objectives and work toward them with the aid of loved ones. Adults’ role is to assist the infant in achieving each goal at the same time.

[Yanina Verzhenskaya says, “It is worth pushing a kid to finish what he has begun if he starts to build a house from a building set and abandons it in the middle of the route.” – Tell a good narrative and ask if you can envision how this house would appear, how you wish to enter it or play with it. In this scenario, the youngster will realize that he can attain his objective with a little effort. Simultaneously, he will come to realize that in order to attain a goal, he will frequently require the assistance of others.”]

Parents create the basis for the leadership characteristics of a child, teenager, and future – a leader, entrepreneur, scientist, or politician, a successful person in any area that will be of interest to him – by supporting the kid’s beginnings and helping to bring them to completion.

How to become Leader in Childhood 
Childhood Leadership

It’s worth behaving consistently in this instance, without putting pressure on the youngster, and using the following algorithm:

i. Take note of the child’s interests. Pay attention to the games he plays and the things he does in his spare time.

ii. Speak with him and set a goal for yourself. Discuss with your child what he hopes to achieve by doing so, as well as who he wants to be within the game. Leadership abilities will very certainly be evident right now.

iii. Developing the traits listed will assist your child in achieving their objectives. Increase his capacity to produce outcomes. Allow yourself to step away from the internet or social media to pursue goals that are little but useful in everyday life. Form these objectives within your family: ask your parents to help you with something. It is critical to do not just what the child enjoys with him, but also to include him in what the parents like.

[“Talk to your child,” Yanina Verzhenskaya says, “ask him what he enjoys.” Also, notice how he acts when he’s talking about something interesting. His stance improves, and he gains confidence. It is critical to demonstrate to the kid that he is significant and valued, and that his objectives are realistic and attainable.]

A team is required for a youngster to acquire leadership characteristics. Parents should plan his free time so that he has as many opportunities to interact with his peers as possible. As a group, assist the kid in taking initiative by planning a game, a play, or a quiz in which other children will participate. In a kid or teenager, the organizing of any activity contributes to the development of leadership skills. It will be much easier for him to become a leader as an adult if he has these talents.

Adult Leadership Development Program 

In adulthood, it is sometimes essential to seek the advice of an expert – a psychologist, a gestalt therapist – in order to build an individual strategy for the development of leadership traits. It will assist you in comprehending the obstacles that prevent you from being a leader, rob you of trust in your ability to achieve a goal, or make it difficult, if not impossible, to connect with others and transmit your ideas to them.

[Yanina Verzhenskaya explains, “When we talk about the development of leadership characteristics in an adult, we imply his incapacity to’organize a game,’ a place for other people in which he will be engaged.” – As a result, inviting him to arrange an event is critical. It doesn’t have to be a huge, worldwide event. It doesn’t matter if it’s a minor activity; all that matters is that the individual is engaged and realizes that he’ll need support. “]

Without “helpers,” people who listen to and obey the leader, leadership is impossible. Simultaneously, a notion has developed in society that it is impolite or uncomfortable to seek aid from others. This is something that the leader is not afraid to do. He often understands, unknowingly, that he cannot deal alone, that he cannot “move mountains” alone, and that he need the assistance of others. It is critical for an adult who aspires to be a leader to convey this and to acquire the capacity to rely on others and accept support.

Leadership groups

When it comes to self-improvement, you may enlist the aid of like-minded others. This is something that leadership groups can help with. In most cases, trainings are performed in such groups during which participants may feel self-assured.

[Yanina Verzhenskaya, a psychologist and gestalt therapist, adds, “It’s fantastic, the services of such groups are worth employing.” – However, it is vital to note that you might slip into a trap in such a group. People’s innate ambitions to be leaders, attain objectives, and succeed are developed during the trainings. However, they frequently utilize the “Machiavellian” ideology in groups, in which the winners are not assessed.”]

It’s tough not to fall prey to manipulation when working in a group, especially one that’s huge. Furthermore, no one wants to be the “black sheep” among the powerful. As a result, any psychological discomfort, internal sentiments, or a sense of unease about being a part of this team should be addressed as soon as feasible. It is critical to leave such a gathering as soon as possible in order to avoid being influenced by an alien concept.

How to become an adult Leader 

Nothing can stop you from developing your leadership abilities if you have them. If you have a high IQ and a desire for power, you must communicate the concept that drives you, enlist the help of friends and helpers, lead others along, and rely on others.

You must communicate with the public, keep an eye on your image, and establish “rules of the game” to guide the leader’s followers.

The path to the objective must be carefully designed and kept tranquil. Furthermore, the leader must be able to accept responsibility not only for his words, actions, and decisions, but also for the team’s outcome.

[Yanina Verzhenskaya, says that if we don’t have a need for control or power, we shouldn’t try to acquire leadership traits. – Slogans like “it is required for everyone” and “it is necessary for everyone” are, in my opinion, harmful. It is critical to concentrate on the individual’s requirements. And if leadership isn’t required, such ‘growth’ might have detrimental consequences.]

As a result, if a person is uncommunicative, interacting with a big group of people will bring him psychological distress. He will not only be unable to communicate his views to others, but he will also refuse to do so.

If a person dislikes being in the spotlight and accepting responsibility, and he is offered the position of “excellent employee” as the head of a project, department, or organization, he is unlikely to handle additional responsibilities. Of course, he will make an effort to connect with subordinates, deliver motivating speeches, and keep track of the schedule, but he will be more frustrated.

Even if a person is very talented in their field of activity, working under extraordinary and undesired stress can lead to psychological collapse over time.

It will be impossible to become a leader, and someone who flushes and goes pale while speaking in front of an audience will be unable to handle a heartbeat. Such a person has the ability to transmit really intriguing content. However, he would be so anxious and distressed that he will eventually lose faith in the notion that he transmits to others.

The similar thing will happen to someone who isn’t used to dressing like a leader and prefers to dress casually or doesn’t pay attention to his appearance. Attempts to “push” him into a “leader’s dress code” will make him uncomfortable on a daily basis, resulting in bodily changes such as stooping, lowering his head, concealing his arms, and embracing himself. These physical manifestations might have a detrimental impact on health over time.

[“There is no need to develop leadership characteristics in a person who does not want to lead other people,” the expert says. – Such a person may successfully complete their everyday responsibilities, thrive as an expert, and be joyful at the same time. The desire to be in a position of leadership must be intentional. Internal conflicts and discomfort will emerge if it is not present.”]

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