Global warming is at alarming rate even in 2021

Global warming is at alarming rate even in 2021.

Global warming 2021
[Global warming 2021/Europeans24]

Global carbon dioxide emissions are expected to increase alarmingly this year, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Meanwhile, the World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations has warned that the global climate crisis has worsened in the last year. This pattern is expected to continue this year.

The IEA said in a study released on Tuesday that the global economy had almost come to a halt due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to the AFP news agency. By breaking the stalemate, the economy is being revitalized. Coal is one of the commodities that has been used to help the economy recover. As a result, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in 2021 will be the second highest in history.

At the request of US President Joe Biden, the study was published just before the start of the climate conference. Tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday will be the two-day meeting. Experts also hailed the meeting as a significant move forward in the run-up to the United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, in November.

Global carbon dioxide emissions are expected to rise by about 5% this year, according to the IEA’s annual assessment survey, Global Energy Review. In other words, in 2021, a total of 3,300 million tons of carbon dioxide will be emitted. Last year, however, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced as a result of the Corona outbreak, which resulted in lockdowns and restrictions on travel across the world.

According to scientists, the largest volume of carbon dioxide has been released in recent history in 2019. Even if emissions rise this year, according to the IEA, they will not be able to exceed 2019. In the pre-epidemic era, however, global energy demand will rise in 2021. As a result, gas and coal use will rise this year.

In a tweet, IEA executive director Fatih Birol said, “Global carbon emissions will rise by 1.5 billion tonnes this year.” As the use of coal in the energy sector grows, this will happen. “The economy must recover from the Corona epidemic in a way that is sustainable for our future,” says the urgent note.

The climate crisis is unmistakable.

According to a report by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, the global climate crisis will be evident in 2020. The coronavirus outbreak has aggravated the plight of billions of people who are suffering as a result of global warming’s consequences. Meanwhile, the epidemic-related lockdown had no apparent beneficial impact on the environment, despite a decrease in carbon emissions around the world due to travel restrictions.

According to the British Guardian, the survey, which was published on Monday, notes that 2020 was the warmest year in recent history, with global average temperatures comparable to those of 2018 and 2019. And the decade from 2011 to 20 is the warmest in recorded history.

According to the study, numerous natural phenomena have been observed around the world due to the impact of extreme weather in the year 2020. Last year, natural disasters such as cyclones in the United States and the Indian subcontinent, wildfires in South America and Australia, heatwaves in Australia and the Arctic, and floods in most of Africa and Asia increased.

“The report conveys the message that climate change is worsening, that natural disasters are reaching and increasing, that climate change is causing more harm, and that people, communities, and economies are being affected,” said Petrie Talas, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization, at the release of the report.

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